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Emotional Experience (S) (Online)


Participant Information Sheet (Version 3, 08/10/12)

Study Title: Emotional Experience

Researchers:  Dr Wing Yee Cheung, Research and Teaching Fellow

Ethics number: 4154, dated 8th Oct, 2012 (This study has been approved by the University of Southampton Ethics Review Board)

Please read this information carefully before deciding to take part in this research. If you are happy to participate you will be asked to sign a consent form.

What is the research about?

This is a social psychology research related to your emotional experience, and your goals.

Why have I been chosen?

Anyone who is aged above 18 can take part in this study.

What will happen to me if I take part? 

This study is about your emotional experience. You will be asked to recall an emotional experience, and to answer questions about your goals.  

Are there any benefits in my taking part?

You may benefit from participating because at the end you will learn about our specific research aims, as well as what scientists currently know about this area.  You will also be told where to go for more information on this area of psychology.  In addition, you will contribute to psychological science and our understanding of emotions and wellbeing.

Risks and Benefits

There are no significant risks involved in this study beyond those you would encounter in everyday life.  You may leave any questions blank that you would prefer not to answer. 

We have tried to ensure that the questions in this study do not cause any distress.  However, it is not uncommon to experience some anxieties or concerns when completing questionnaires about emotions, and support is available.  If participating in this study raises any issues for you, we recommend that you contact one of the following resources:

-   UK participants: find a counsellor at

-   Worldwide:


Will my participation be confidential?

All data are treated as confidential.  For students at the University of Southampton, your student ID number is stored only within Psychobook and not connected to your responses in any way.


What happens if I change my mind?

Participation in this study is fully voluntary and you have the right to withdraw at any time with no penalty.

What happens if something goes wrong?

In the unlikely case that something goes wrong in this study we advise you to contact the chair of the Ethics Committee, Psychology, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK. Phone: +44 (0)23 80 598101, email

Where can I get more information?

If you have any questions about the study before beginning you may ask them now. At any time after participating you may contact any of the research team: Wing Yee Cheung,

Legal Issue and Consent

Participation in this study is fully voluntary and you have the right to withdraw at any time with no penalty by simply closing the web page.

In consenting, I understand that I am not waiving any legal claims, rights, or remedies.  I also understand that data collected as part of this research project will be kept confidential and that published results will maintain that confidentiality.  I finally understand that if I have any questions about my rights as a participant in this research, or if I feel that I have been placed at risk, I may contact the chair of the Ethics Committee, School of Psychology, University of Southampton, SO17 1BJ, UK. Phone: +44 (0)23 80 598101, email

I certify that I am 18 years or older.  I have read the above consent form and I give consent to participate in the above described research.