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Eco-Driving, an Online Questionnaire

Please read this information carefully before deciding to take part in this research. If you are happy to participate you will be asked to indicate consent.


What is the research about?

This research aims to examine the driving techniques of a wide demographic of drivers. You will be asked to complete an online questionnaire that examines techniques that you use when driving. Although this study is aimed primarily at exploring environmentally friendly driving behaviours, we are interested in all drivers, and what motivates them to drive the way they do.


Why have I been chosen?

Participants within this research study are are all volunteers. The only criteria we would like you, as a participant, to fulfil are that you hold a full driving license, and have driven your present vehicle for longer than three months. Participants are also required to be able to provide the research team with a current estimate of their fuel economy.   


What will happen to me if I take part?

Should you wish to participate in this study, you will be asked to complete an online questionnaire at a time and place convenient to you. The questionnaire will focus on what motivates you to drive in a fuel efficient and environmentally friendly way, referred to as eco-driving. You will be asked to discuss any strategies you use to facilitate eco-driving. The interview will also consider future aids and support systems that could be implemented to assist you in achieving your eco-driving goals. Finally the questionnaire will enquire about your general level of environmental concern.

The researcher would like to stress all the data collected is for research purposes. In addition, you are free to leave a question blank should you not wish to answer, and are free to withdraw your participation should you wish.

The questionnaire is anticipated to last for approximately 25 minutes. Although it is possible to save the questionnaire and return to it at a later time I would urge you to find sufficient time when you will not be distracted and complete the questionnaire from start to finish.      


Are there any benefits in my taking part?

Although participants will not be financially compensated for their time, they will be adding to the wider understanding of driver behaviours and helping in the formation of future research and interventions aimed at reducing emissions and pollution. Although the behaviour of eco-drivers and their motivations are well developed within the literature, there is significantly less understanding of the eco-driving behaviours that are employed by drivers who do not consider themselves as “eco-drivers”. 


Are there any risks involved?

Participants will be asked to honestly disclose information relating to their driving behaviours, which they do not openly describe to others. Participants may feel apprehensive at describing these behaviours.

The researcher would like to take this opportunity to assure participants that behaviours reported will remain confidential and no identifying information will be present during the analysis of the data, and no identifiable information will be presented during any formal right up.


Will my participation be confidential?

Other than the researchers, no member of the university or members of the public will see or have access to the information that you provide, including specific information regarding your current vehicle, current MPG and current driving habits. All details and corresponding scores are saved on a password protected PC and will not be publically visible. Any formal write-ups produced using the data generated within this research will not contain your name or any other identifying characteristics. Sections of answers, which you provide to open questions, may be quoted, however you will not be identifiable from these quotes.      


What happens if I change my mind?

You are free to withdraw from this study at anytime with no consequences to your legal rights, and no impact on any current or future relationship you may have with the University of Southampton.


What happens if something goes wrong?

If you have any concerns regarding your treatment within this research study or wish to log an official complaint regarding your treatment as a participant within this research, please contact the Research Governance Manager (02380 595058, This study has been approved by University of Southampton Ethics (ID 21505).


Where can I get more information?

If you wish to learn more regarding this study, feel free to contact me, Dr Craig Allison, Alternatively, if you are interested in reading more about this topic area please look at Franke, T., Arend, M. G., McIlroy, R. C., & Stanton, N. A. (2016). Ecodriving in hybrid electric vehicles–Exploring challenges for user-energy interaction. Applied ergonomics, 55, 33-45..