Metacognition and mindfulness: the relationship with anxiety in healthy adults


Participant Information Sheet


Study Title:Metacognition and mindfulness: the relationship with anxiety in healthy adults


Researcher: Dr Emma Palmer-Cooper

ERGO number: 41771                                                          


Please read this information carefully before deciding to take part in this research.  It is up to you to decide whether or not to take part. If you are happy to participate you will be asked to sign a consent form.


What is the research about?

Metacognition is a term that refers to ‘thinking about thinking’. Being mindful refers to being aware of the present moment. Some people are more mindful than others, and this is related to mood and wellbeing. Recent research has shown that, in healthy adults, (i.e. those who are not experiencing symptoms of mental ill-health), metacognition is related to mood and current feelings. 

The aim of this study is to investigate the relationship between people’s metacognitive beliefs and abilities, mindfulness and current levels of anxiety, to explore the relationship between these constructs.


Why have I been asked to participate?

You have been asked to participate because you are over the age of 18, and do not have a history or experience of mental ill-health.


What will happen to me if I take part?

You will be asked to complete five questionnaires about yourself; including the way you think about yourself and how you are feeling. These should take no longer than 20 minutes in total to complete. You will be assigned a random ID number, so you will not be linked personally to the responses you give.


Are there any benefits in my taking part?

There will be no benefits to you personally for taking part, but you will help us generate new knowledge about this area of research, which may go on to help the study and understanding of mental health research.Students at the University of Southampton, School of Psychology will be awarded 2 participation credits upon completion of the survey.


Are there any risks involved?

This study asks about how you are currently feeling, in relation to anxiety. Some people may not like answering questions like this about themselves. You can skip any questions that you do not want to answer.


Will my participation be confidential?

Your responses to these questionnaires will be anonymous. You will be assigned a random ID number, so the responses you provide will not be linked back to you.

Members of the research team will have access to your anonymiseddata, these include the Primary Investigator and Research Assistants on the project. 


What should I do if I want to take part?

Press continue at the end of this information sheet, and complete the consent form. If you consent to take part, you will be directed to the questionnaires. 


What happens if I change my mind?

As this information is anonymous you will not be able to withdraw your anonymous responses once they have been submitted.

If you choose to withdraw before you have completed the study your responses will not be saved, and where necessary paper records will be destroyed.


What will happen to the results of the research?

These results will be written up and anonymous group data (e.g. means and standard deviations only) will be presented at academic conferences and written up for publication in an academic journal. Results may be included in future research, if optional consent is given for this.

If you would like to know the results of the study please let the research team know by email and they will securely store your contact details until the results are available. Once the results have been communicated your contact details will not be retained.

Anonymised research data will be made available for future research projects. Anonymised data will be stored for 10 years for staff and postgraduate research students, as per University of Southampton policy. Publications and anonymised data relating to the research will be made available through the institutional repository.


Where can I get more information?

If you have any questions or would like more information please contact Dr Emma Palmer-Cooper

023 8059 1895


What happens if something goes wrong?

In the unlikely case of concern or complaint, please contact the Research Integrity and Governance Manager (023 8059 5058,


Thank you.

Thank the individual for taking the time to read the information sheet and considering taking part in the research.