Logic and Routing – iSurvey News and Help https://www.isurvey.soton.ac.uk/help iSurvey News and Help Fri, 12 Jun 2020 06:05:33 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.9.8 What is routing and how do I use it? https://www.isurvey.soton.ac.uk/help/what-is-routing-and-how-do-i-use-it/ Mon, 09 May 2011 13:40:27 +0000 https://www.isurvey.soton.ac.uk/help/?p=305 Continue reading ]]> Routing is an efficient way of only displaying relevent questions to participants. For example, if you have a question ‘Do you own a dog?’ the answer would be YES or NO.

If participants  have answered YES you may want to ask them a whole page of questions relating to their dog – and hide this page from participants that do not have a dog. This is similar to paper based studies that have instructions such as ‘If you answered Yes to Question 5 please go to Question 18.’

To applying routing to your questionnaire, it is firstly important that you organise your questions correctly. Any questions that are ‘grouped together’ e.g. those associated with ‘Do you own a dog’ should be contained in the same ‘section‘.

You can think of this section as a ‘page’ you would either like to skip, or show, based on the result of a previous question.

To apply the routing (also known as ‘section logic’):

  1. Go the section list page
  2. In the relevant section click the ‘Logic’ icon
  3. Locate the question which will be the logic trigger i.e. the one that asks the relevant question e.g. Do you have a dog?
  4. Create your logic in the usual manner e.g. If the answer to this question is YES then SHOW this section

Things to note about section logic / routing

  • The logic must be dependent on a question in a PREVIOUS section. You cannot apply section logic based on a question within that section.
  • You can currently only apply one set of logic to a section. i.e. you cannot have logic that is dependent on two questions e.g. show this section of the participant is male AND owns a dog
  • It is possible to apply contradictory logic e.g. If the answer is YES show this section and if the answer is YES then DO NOT show this section. Therefore be careful when applying multiple logic
How to use ‘Quick logic’ https://www.isurvey.soton.ac.uk/help/how-to-use-quick-logic/ Mon, 25 Oct 2010 14:52:37 +0000 http://www.efolio.soton.ac.uk/blog/isurvey/?p=115 Continue reading ]]> Quick logic applies to questions that appear or disappear on a page the instant a response is given to another question on that page. The best example is if a participant ticks ‘Other’ for an option, a new question would immediately appear asking them to describe what the ‘other’ was.

Other things to note:

  • Quick logic can only be applied to ‘single response’ or’ ‘multiple response’ question types.
  • Quick logic questions always appear underneath the ‘parent’ question.
  • You can have multiple quick logic questions underneath a single parent question
  • Quick logic can be nested
  • Multiple quick logic can be applied to a single parent question e.g.
    Show question if response is ‘a’
    Show question if response is ‘b’
  • You cannot apply quick logic to text based responses
  • You cannot apply quick logic to a question within a question block (Matrix)

Creating Quick Logic

Step 1

Create the parent question, which must be a single response, or multiple response type question

Step 2

Click the link that appears under this question

Quick Logic Link

Step 3

Create the new question you want to appear under the parent question (logic dependent!)
This can be any type of question

Step 4

Look for the ‘Add quick logic’ link in the new question you have created and click this link

Step 5

Use the logic constructor to create your logic and click ‘Create Logic’. The example below will result in the new question only being shown if participants click on the ‘Male’ response option.
